Thursday, August 22, 2013

Finished backlighting
 . I darkened the picture and added contrast to add more detail to the picture.


Finished sidelight
I evened out the curves in photoshop and also added contrast and brighting to enhance the lighter side of the girls.

Angle up

Angle up finished
The picture is already blurry so I tried to add contrast and light to make it appear sharper.

Angle down

Angle down finished
I went to curves to add more of a clean cut picture to make the leaves really pop. Also I added more of a red hue to bring bak the rocks in the background.

Rule of Thirds

Rule of Thirds finished
First I cropped it so the cone would be in the thirds. Then I changed the curves to make the picture pop more.


Shandow finished
I added light and contrast to have the shadow appear more. Then I changed the curves to have the shapes in the pictures become more known. 

Frame within a Frame

Frame within a Frame finished
I just cropped it and added contrast.


Pattern finished
I added brightness to bring in the sun and contrast to see the lines clearly. Also added a blue hue to bring out the gravel.


Texture finished
Added lighting and contrast to make the lines pop. I also messed with the hue and curves to make the lines more relavent in the picture.

Vanishing point

Vanishing point finished
I aligned the curves to make the  bars honestly just to make it look cool.


Reflection finished
I added brightness and contrast so I would stand out. Then i added a red and green hue to bring out the background so it would still look like a reflection. And I changed the curves to have everything stand out but still look like a reflection. Also I cropped it.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Pop Art

                                                                           Lauren Art

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Tuesday, August 6, 2013