Monday, September 30, 2013

Light exposure

f 3.5 Before

f 3.5 after
I brightened up the picture to get a better look at it. Added some blue and green hue since those are the main colors and I changed the background to a darker brown so there is a strict difference between the water bottle and the back wall.

f 36 before

f 36 after
I brightened up the picture but I should've taken the picture farthure out instead of so close to the water bottle. I also changed the exposure so it could make it brighter and also added a slite green hue.

f 18 before

f 18 after
I only brightened the picture a little bit because there was so much going on that i didn't want to white it out. Also i changed the levels to make some brighter and other levels darker.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Our History

MYP Units

Unit: Documenting our World
Unit Question: What is the value of recording history?
Significant Concepts:
  • Humans record history for many reasons.
  • We are currently writing history.
  • History can vary depending on the source.
Area of Interaction: Human Ingenuity: How and why do we create?

My Thoughts

The value of recording human history is to not repeat mistakes already made by others. For instance how we handled Hitler as a little issue and it grew to a bigger problem. The same goes for Syria, if we treat this cause as something that is not important and can just be persuaded out of then there is a possibility for another war. Yet how serious is the cause? I don't want to find out the hard way.
I believe it is a need for humans to write down history whether it is  of an event or of themselves. Humans want to feel like they are leaving something behind and want to be remembered for it. humans don't want to be a nameless headstone, they want meaning to their life even after it has ended.

Find the Difference


I changed 22 things in the picture

These are the differences shown

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Color Wheel Finished

The Color Wheel
I loaded all of the pictures onto photoshop to put them in order. I decided to put them in a wheel pattern so it is easier to understand which colors of the pictures I am using. I started by the lockers in the freshman halls and progressively went down the hallway. I took the pictures zoomed in so I could focus on the color itself. I like the picture of the water bottles the most. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013


Added yellow and blue hint along with brightness and contrast.

Contrast and brightness along with curves.


Added hues of blue and red along with contrast.


I added contrast to and darkened it a little bit for the star to become more apparent.

Color Wheel

The Color Wheel

Friday, September 6, 2013

Photo Montage Pain

Took about 200 pictures and it was painful to put them together. plus people kept walking around so there are some reandom legs in the piture. But im proud of actually looks like the outside of the school.