Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Our History

MYP Units

Unit: Documenting our World
Unit Question: What is the value of recording history?
Significant Concepts:
  • Humans record history for many reasons.
  • We are currently writing history.
  • History can vary depending on the source.
Area of Interaction: Human Ingenuity: How and why do we create?

My Thoughts

The value of recording human history is to not repeat mistakes already made by others. For instance how we handled Hitler as a little issue and it grew to a bigger problem. The same goes for Syria, if we treat this cause as something that is not important and can just be persuaded out of then there is a possibility for another war. Yet how serious is the cause? I don't want to find out the hard way.
I believe it is a need for humans to write down history whether it is  of an event or of themselves. Humans want to feel like they are leaving something behind and want to be remembered for it. humans don't want to be a nameless headstone, they want meaning to their life even after it has ended.

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