Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My items
  1. The Bear: My Dad gave that to me for my fourteenth birthday when he couldn't make it home because he was in Eastern Europe on bussiness.
  2. The picture of the dogs: Those are my dogs Luke and Carson and they mean the world to me.
  3. Owl earings: My best friend, Rachel, loves owls and it reminds me of her.
  4. Perfume: I got it in Europe for my first trip to Europe back in my shopmore year. It reminds me how much i loved it and how much I miss Europe.
  5. The necklace: My sister gave it to me to remind me of a very special message about change.
  6. Nail polish: It reminds me of my other sister because she is known for always having her nails painted and that is the color she always wears.
  7. Make-up brish: I love make up! I look on youtube for new make up ideas and i llike the concept that make up can change a person's look.

f/22;   ISO 200

f/22; ISO 200
I basically brightened up the picture and got rid of some imperfections. Such as the headphones in the up right corner. And some things on the dogs pictures. For the lighting all of the classroom lights were on along with a light shining from the right of the picture.

f/22;   ISO 200

f/22; ISO 200
Here i had all of the classroom lights on and the right lamp on. In the picture i darkened it and increased the red and orange saturation. I also fixed up the owl's eye to appear darker so the reflection doesn't make it disappear.

f/25;   ISO 200

f/25; ISO 200
In this picture all of the classroom lights were off and the lighting came from one lamp on the left. I cut out certain objects in the picture so it would differ from the picture itself. I changed it to a dark blue hue and the objects to a gold to make them really pop.

f/16;   ISO 200

f/16; ISO 200
All of the classroom lights are off and both right and left lamp are on. I changed the exposure and light along with the levels. I also cut out some images light the owl's eye's and the flowers on the perfume bottle.

f/16;   ISO 200

f/16; ISO 200
All of the lights are off in the classroom but i had left and right lamps on along with another lamp on the left. I then took the quick selection tool to select the owl, nail polish, and make up brush. I made them darker and higher gold contrast. Then i inversed selected to make the background darker, along with black and white.

f/16;   ISO 200

f/16; ISO 200
This was my last photo and the lights were off except the one on the right. I brightened it up and added some red hues and fixed the up right corner to look like the scarf was already there. Along with fixing the reflection on the owl's eye.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Photoshop warning?

Should we put a warning under things photoshopped?

          My personal thoughts are we should put a warning label under models photoshopped pictures because it is harming the minds of women and over all false advertising. Even the women in the pictures don't look like that, they wish they did. But some think it is only a picture with a few touch ups, or is it? Personally I know that I sometimes wish to be thinner and have better skin when I look at people in magazines, but I wouldn't feel so pressured into that way of perfection if I new that the models in the picture don't even look like the models in the picture. Before I saw this video I didn't even know that almost every single picture in a magazine was photoshopped. If I didn't even know that then how can people expect others to know that this picture of perfection isn't so perfect at all? What kind of message are we sending out to our children girls and even boys? I say boys because there are also men models that are photoshopped to either make their skin look better or their muscles look bigger. It is not just men and women that are affected by this lie, but also our children. There should be a label on pictures that are photoshopped so then people will know if I buy this product I won't look like them, I am perfect the way that I am.

The link below gives more of a perspective on this issue: