Tuesday, November 5, 2013


  My take on this picture is Darth Vadar doing a skin commercial. I find skin care products to be very false. You always have to have a certain kind of skin for the product to even work. Even then it might not do the job all the way through because in truth, I may never look like that model in the picture because I bet she doesn't even use the product constantly. Also, SHE IS PHOTOSHOPPED! It doesn't get anymore fake than that.
   When I saw this add I couldn't help myself to also give it a little slap stick comedy. Then my mind went back to the old star wars and when Darth Vadar reveals hmself to Luke and I though man was he pale. And since being tan and having smooth skin is the beautiful thing I had to get something completely opposite. A pale and wrinkley old man. I do have to say, he can model.

  I also like the idea that he looks really creepy like a drug addict, only once haha. Usually in ads they like to use young, warm, inviting girls to bring the viewer into buying their products. They don't want to scare them away and this ad does exactly that. This picture would defently be unexpected if someone turned the page and saw his face for a skin ad.

  This is just purely for humor haha. But there's also the fact that I used a pig instead of an old man. Since Old Spice wants to attract men in this ad using an attractive woman. I thought why not attract the men for what some of them really are, pigs. Sure sex sells but to what I feel like the ad is doing, degrading women. Sure the text is funny and it put a smile on my face but it is a woman eating ice cream! It would be like her just standing there in a bikini rubbed in oil.  
  I also thought of someone eating ice cream in general. Icecream is fattening and today we are trying to get America healthy. If they eat grossly they are know as a pig. "you eat like a pig." People say this to tell someone keep your mouth shut and slow down. Also nothing could make this better than having the pig be in a pink bonnet because that shows that it is a girl pig. So when they say woman or she in the ad, the audience knows it is the pig.

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