Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Final and Stop motion

The above link is for the stop motion The link above is my finaldney The link above is for sy My favorite thing about this course was taking pictures of different angles. My least favorite has to be the first project since I had no idea what I was doing. I learned how to photo shop which was cool now I can fix pictures. After high school if I ever need to upload a video to youtube i'll know how. I liked this course because of the discussion of how models are photo shopped now I don't look at magazines the same way. Good luck next year peace out!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Redo Advertisement

Critique on Dhena's learner profile advertisment(:
I really liked how the advertisement had a ghostly kind of affect.  I loved how the 4 different pictures were blended into the window.  I thought it needed to be a little more clear on what the actual learner profile was. I didn't know the exact gaze position but other than that I thought the advertisement was great!
My revision
She asked for me to make it clearer on what topic I picked for this project so I thought why not put it in the middle of the picture. The font it's printed in comes from a mirror since mirrors reflect who we are. I also didn't want anything too bold that it takes over the picture but nothing not too small that it doesn't even show up. I also think it goes with the color scheme. I didn't want to change too much about the picture because I think it's as good as I can make it, definitely one of the best pictures I think I've done.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Critique Sydney

I like this product already because it makes me think of the outside and the caption is also clever. The usage of color is good though I would zoom in more on the bottle so the extra design on it won't distract the rest of the picture. And maybe zoom in on the picture all together to get rid of extra space. On the words I would add more depth to them so they pop out more. Also add a shadow effect on the hand so it looks like it's more apart of the picture. Plus zoom out on the hand or give it more space on the picture, have the hand in the picture more.

  1. Zoom Out on the hand and Zoom In on the picture all together.
  2. Add depth to the words.
  3. Add some of the burn tool to the hand.