Thursday, December 12, 2013

Redo Advertisement

Critique on Dhena's learner profile advertisment(:
I really liked how the advertisement had a ghostly kind of affect.  I loved how the 4 different pictures were blended into the window.  I thought it needed to be a little more clear on what the actual learner profile was. I didn't know the exact gaze position but other than that I thought the advertisement was great!
My revision
She asked for me to make it clearer on what topic I picked for this project so I thought why not put it in the middle of the picture. The font it's printed in comes from a mirror since mirrors reflect who we are. I also didn't want anything too bold that it takes over the picture but nothing not too small that it doesn't even show up. I also think it goes with the color scheme. I didn't want to change too much about the picture because I think it's as good as I can make it, definitely one of the best pictures I think I've done.

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